During day 2 of learning about becoming an analyst, the unit covered becoming a data analyst and how to achieve doing so. This section of the unit also talked about what a data analyst is, how to find work as a data analyst, and the required skills in specific on how to become one.
During today's unit, I learned about Analysts and what the profession entails. The first day of the unit also went over the difference between business analysts and data analysts and the skill set needed for each job.
During day 2 of going over the Virtual Assistant unit, I learned of the many websites that will hire virtual assistants. Videos were presented also detailing where to find work for Virtual Assistants.
During day 1 of learning about virtual assistance, I learned the basics of becoming a virtual assistant and the tasks you have to accomplish including Answering emails and phone calls, scheduling meetings, and creating presentations for your job.
During the Recruiter and Talent Acquisition unit, I learned what talent recruiters do in their jobs and the fundamentals of being a recruiter. So far, Salary expectations and the Mechanics of being a recruiter have been covered and the unit will go into more depth about the aspects of this job.
The unit for today extensively went over the basics of fundraising and how it can be important to building up profit for organizations like non-profits who need the money from donators, and even one person owned businesses that rely on their own income to continue working. The unit also went over the many events you set up to make fundraising for organizations fun and interactive for these donators.
During todays remaining units, I learned how to build a portfolio, how to work freelance in editing other companies/peoples videos. The lessons also went over the many resources that can be used to build up experience in video editing including many free template websites and sound effects.
Video Editing has many layers to fully mastering it and eventually getting a job in the field. The course today went over setting up video editing software and full tutorials on how to use them. Some of this editing software included Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve Studio, and Final Cut Pro (Mac only).
In todays unit, I learned how to effectively get paid as a a video editor in lesson 1 of the unit. This covered how much you can expect from being a video editor depending on the magnitude of the editing job. The slide show also went over the range of jobs that people in this profession have covered, from videos from small companies, to official movie trailers from movie studios.
During day 2 of the Techie Youth Writing unit, I learned the different types of writing that are profitable in todays world. These included Technical Writing, Transcription, and Customer Service and Correspondence as a few examples.
Today's unit consisted of Magazines and Journals, Books published and Self Published, Copywriting, Blogging and writing for your own website, Guest Blogging, and Ghostwriting.
During today's session, the topics covered regarding A.I were algorithmic thinking, predictive analytics, and machine learning algorithms. The unit also went over how to create an A.I business through natural language processing, big data and IoT, and the fundamentals of using neural analytics in business
Artificial Intelligence is the practice of simulating human intelligence on a computer. Simulating this intelligence takes multiple different branches of computer science for it to work. Some of these include Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and Robotics as a few of these branches.
Coding is a major part of web development and the basics of it all. The 5 hour video course made by 'Programming with Mosh' went through the importance of python, how to install python, how to begin using the program, and the fundamentals of how it operates.
During the session spent at Techie Youth online, I learnt the importance of Database Design and how it can be used to effectively store important data for the use of a company or individual person. These databases are helpful for the storage of crucial information whether it be login information for a website that requires it, or a organization that may need to keep track of its members and their information. Databases can also be used to store old information and keep records of data like old transactions, schematics, and something as niche as movie tickets sold at a theater since the it opened.