I learned how to handle money in businesses and different ways that there are to fund a business such as letting a bigger company buying it. Then I learned how to fund businesses and have smart decisions. learned more about how to make safe decisions and learned how to find the right co partner and make smart decisions.
Today in techie youth I continued to explore the entrepreneurship unit and learned more about how to make safe decisions and learned how to find the right co partner and make smart decisions. I also learned how to handle money in businesses and different ways that there are to fund a business such as letting a bigger company buying it.
Today in techie youth I switched units to the entrepreneurship unit. I learned how to startup a new business and then I watched videos of different entrepreneurs such as bill gates and Jeff bezos and learned. I learned how to be smart with my business decisions.
Today I decided to start a different unit because the AI unit was getting quite tough and I just wanted to explore different careers. I chose entrepreneurship because it interests me and I wanted to see if it would be a good career for me. I learned what an entrepreneur is and how to start a business. I learned the costs of starting a business and also the rewards of a successful one. I learned that it is not easy to startup your own business so it intrigues me on what makes a successful business successful.
I went back to certain videos in the AI unit to better understand machine learning and nlps and predictive analysis because the topic is very confusing and I still am having trouble understanding it. I went back to the source code python website and practiced there for more understanding of complex code and then I began to explore other units because i dont think AI is the career path for me. I'm not that interested in the business side of it so tomorrow I might explore a different unit that I am more interested in and that I will invest more time into.
Today at techie youth I continued what I started yesterday and I kept researching and collecting more and more data that I can turn into statistics and then can use for my proposal for the AI final project. I then continued my python programming lessons so I could be more proficient with the language. Then, I went back to other units to refresh my knowledge so I can use it to make a good proposal.
Today in Techie Youth I continued my practice in python and began writing more complex code with more loops, commands, etc. I started the final project by choosing the topic "reducing instances of homeless youth" and i started researching for data regarding that topic so I could create a machine learning algorithm from it. I am still brainstorming and researching so I could have enough data.
Today in techie youth I learned how to make and run a business that is built on advancing artificial intelligence. I learned that there are many different sectors in the workplace that can be benefited from artificial intelligence such as medical and also social media. I learned how to implement natural language processing in a business and how to be beneficial to society
Today in techie Youth I continued my training in the python coding language and then once I was done, I started reading articles and videos on how AI and machine learning in particular work. I learned how to get started working on machine learning projects and also the fundamental principles of how to build an AI system. I learned how to import, analyze, and predict using machine learning in python and I also examined a Kaggle competition project. I learned how to sign up for the competition and how to enter a submission if I ever felt like competing in the competition.
Today in Techie Youth, I spent most of the time working on my python skills. I have never used python before or ever coded in general so it was a slow process for me. I downloaded the windows python app and then started the online course for the intro to python. I learned how to print something, use lists, format strings, use loops and conditions, and much more. Coding is a very unique thing to do and I enjoy it very much.
Today in Techie Youth, I finished the second prerequisite unit and submitted the google doc in on what aspects of my life I learned in the unit that I can improve on. Then, I began the AI unit. I learned what algorithms are and how to use algorithms in machine learning and natural language processing. Then I learned about different jobs you can pursue as an ai specialist such as an ai engineer, which is someone that works at home while building code and algorithms. I learned how algorithms work mathematically and visualized it through khan academy lessons. I then began to start the coding aspect of this unit. I completed a few lessons on how to code in python.
Today in Techie Youth, I learned how to live a jet setter lifestyle. I learned that you could earn money by traveling around the world in various ways. One of the ways that I learned about is becoming a youtuber. I learned that although it does start slow, the speed will pick up eventually and once you start getting views, you can actually can make a living off of it. I also learned about being a travel vlogger or photographer to make a living and also be able to travel wherever you want. I learned about digital nomadism and the many jobs you can do with it.
Today in Techie Youth, I learned about different websites to find mentors such as IET mentorship and SCORE mentors. I learned the difference between mentors and role models and I learned how to find a good mentor that is positive and helpful. I learned how to write an email to mentorship and how to ask for a good mentor that fits your needs. Then, I learned how to make a living by becoming a vlogger or YouTuber. I learned how you can make money by traveling such as being a travel guide or photographer.
Today in Techie Youth, I learned how to control my own emotions by just smiling and I also learned other techniques for improving my happiness. I learned techniques that leaders use to remain calm and also learned the power of speech and the words that I say to others. I learned to lower my expectations because I cannot be everything at once. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses so you should learn them as soon as possible and grow from them. I then learned that it is important to have someone to look up to or a role model because it will help you with long-term inspiration and motivation. They have to be someone that inspires you and also has positive ethics and beliefs.
Today in Techie Youth, I learned how to manage my time properly and use it efficiently. I learned how to be hyperproductive and was taught that I should pursue a career that is lucrative but I also enjoy. I was also introduced to various online tools that help me plan my daily schedules such as Trello and Toggl Plan. I also learned about a tool called Kanban which will help me manage both my professional and personal tasks. I also learned that health and productivity are still very important aspects of your life, no matter what career path you choose.
Today in techie youth I learned different terms such as gross and net income and I also learned how to calculate your cost of living based on where you live and using calculator websites. Then I learned how to budget, and how to cut off expenses that aren't necessary for my daily life such as brand-name clothes or coffee every day. I learned how to make smart purchases and how I can resell certain items for certain prices. I learned how to minimize unnecessary spending and learned the limits on buying things with credit. I learned how to save money for the future such as college funding and a retirement plan. Then, I learned some tips on time management such as planning and organization.
Today in techie youth i learned how to prevent getting scammed in a job offer or while you are working. I learned that if something is too good to be true or requires no interview or verification, then it is most likely a scam. I also learned that I should not show my bank details or any personal information with anyone because someone can steal my identity and take my money and social security. I also learned how to network with other people in meetings and conferences. I also learned about other websites such as Quora and LION
In Techie Youth today, I learned how to do the perfect interview. I learned what to do before the interview such as planning it, what to say during the interview, and what to do after an interview such as a thank you email. I also learned what to do if I get a job offer and the next steps to take. I learned how to create the best remote working environment such as being productive and having all members of a team working together with good communication. Then, I learned how to use applications such as slack and doodle to make the remote working life easier. I also learned how to maintain a positive job experience and learned when to say no to your supervisor when they are being too harsh and controlling. I also learned how to not take advantage of it without jeopardizing my professional life. Finally, I learned about the office and business scams that can occur if you are not careful and how to avoid them.
Today in Techie Youth, I put the finishing touches on my LinkedIn account and began writing my resume after watching the accompanying videos. After writing the resume, I watched the cover letter videos and wrote an example cover letter. Then, I watched the videos on social media and how it has positive and negative effects. I learned that companies and employers look at your social media presence so you have to make sure it is clean and appropriate to show in the public. I followed all of Techie Youth's media on my social media accounts and then watched some of their content. Then, I watched videos on how to do good elevator pitches and how to get good remote employment opportunities. I visited many websites that had many good job offerings. I then watched the videos on how to conduct job interviews and how to answer the questions that are asked in them.
Today in Techie Youth, I learned many facts about remote careers and their pros and cons. I learned how to apply to remote careers and how much they pay. I also learned how to a checking account and its uses in my daily life. I learned about savings accounts, salary accounts, and many others. The founder of techie youth taught me to be wise with my job decisions and not fall into the trap of an unethical and bad job. I also learned how to write a check, whether it is in person or online. This includes what to write on the check, how to endorse it, and how to cash it in. I learned about different types of wallets such as hot wallets and cold wallets and the pros and cons of cryptocurrency. I learned how to create a LinkedIn account and how to write a good resume.